Kristus Pán se narodil
Kristus Pán se narodil
Kristus Pán se narodil, po koledičce chodil.
Chodil po ní celý den, chodil po ní celú noc
a když bylo ku ránu, svatý Jene, poď, pomož.
Půjdem spolu ku dvoru, budem zpívat o Bohu.
Ten hospodář nemeškal, na hospodyň zavolal,
na hospodyň zavolal, koledičku jim poslal.
Hospodáři ctnostlivý, děkujem vám z hostiny,
hostili ste hostě své, koledníčky pocestné.
Christ The Lord Was Born
Christ the Lord was born, he went a-wassailing.
He was wassailing day and night
and when it was dawning, saint John, come and help.
We will go to the court and sing for the God.
The master did not wait and called the mistress,
called the mistress and sent them some food and money.
Ye, virtuous farmer, thank you for the feast,
You have feasted your guests, the wassailers, the wanderers.