Vyletěla sojka, Na záhumňú
Vyletěla sojka

Vyletěla sojka z druhej strany hájka,
pásli ovce pastuškové, jedli kašu z hrnka.
My sme žáci malí, rádi bysme brali
koledičku na ručičku, kdybyste nám dali.
Na záhumňú
Na záhumňú, na záhumňú, straky, vrany ořú.
Liška pluží, liška pluží, zajáček ji tuží.
Veverka žne, veverka žne, medvěd snopy váže.
Baran skáče, baran skáče, snopy na vůz háže.
Kuna leze, kuna leze, do stodoly veze.
The Jay Has Flown Out

The jay has fl own out of the other side of the woods,
The shepherds were herding sheep and eating gruel from a mug.
We are little pupils and we would like to get some
pennies or sweets, if you give us some.
In Back Yard
In back yard, in back yard, the magpies and crows are ploughing.
A fox is ploughing, fox is ploughing, a little hare is helping.
A squirrel is harvesting, squirrel is harvesting, a bear is binding the sheaves.
A ram is jumping, ram is jumping and throwing the sheaves on a cart.
A marten is crawling, marten is crawling and taking the cart into a barn.