Padá rosa studená
Padá rosa studená

Padá rosa studená, Kriste nebeský, chodí po ní  Maria.
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
Kampak kráčíš, Maria? Kriste nebeský, do Betléma Judova.
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
Do Betléma vkročila, Kriste nebeský, synáčka porodila.
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
Starala se Maria, Kriste nebeský, kdež ho křtíti budeme?
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
V Jordáně v čistej vodě, Kriste nebeský, tam ho křtíti budeme.
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
Svatý Štěpán, svatý Jan, Kriste nebeský, ten nám bude kmotrem sám.
Aleluja! Zdrávas Maria!
There Falls A Cold Dew

There falls a cold dew, Heavenly Christ, Mary is treading on it.
Halleluiah! Hail Mary!
Where are you going to, Mary? Heavenly Christ, into Juda’s
Bethlehem. Halleluiah! Hail Mary!
She stepped into Bethlehem, Heavenly Christ, she gave birth to
a son. Halleluiah! Hail Mary!
Mary wondered, Heavenly Christ, where shall we baptize him?
Halleluiah! Hail Mary!
In the pure water of Jordan, Heavenly Christ, there we will
baptize him. Halleluiah! Hail Mary!
Saint Stephen, Saint John, Heavenly Christ, he will be our
godfather himself.
Halleluiah! Hail Mary!